Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Articulate Presenter Preview Problem... Can You Help Me?

You'll have to excuse me. In recent days I've been a bit pre-occupied with an important software problem which has taken up a lot of my time. In particular, when previewing content in Articulate Presenter I see nothing. In other words, when I go to the Articulate Ribbon and click "Preview, Preview this slide" or "Preview, Preview Next 3 Slides" or Preview, Preview Range of Slides" the Preview window appears but it doesn't contain anything. Here's what I see:

This has been happening for about two weeks now. It doesn't matter whether I'm trying to preview something that was created an hour ago or a year ago: preview simply doesn't work. I'm not sure what the trigger was or is. Perhaps there's more than one trigger. All I know is that it's very frustrating.

The software works as it should except for the fact that I can't preview anything. I can create a presentation and then publish it but I can't preview. I've tried uninstalling and then reinstalling the software as well as uninstalling and then reinstalling Adobe Flash which the Articulate suite uses. I've also uninstalled Internet Explorer 8 such that I'm now running Internet Explorer 7. So far nothing has worked.

I've had an ongoing conversation by email with Articulate Support and I must admit they've been very helpful. However, at this point in time, I still can't preview Articulate Presenter content. Personally, I think it has something to do with Adobe Flash and/or Internet Explorer. Why do I think this? Because, as Articulate Support told me in one of their emails, and I quote, "Articulate Studio '09 products need Flash Player to work properly, and this is the Flash Player plugin that is installed in Internet Explorer."

All I can say to you right now is that I've invested a lot of time in trying to find a solution to this problem and that I hope to have resolved this problem before the end of the month.

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