Monday, February 21, 2011

How to Publish Articulate Presenter to a Single File

The other day I needed to publish an Articulate Presenter learning object such that the output would simply consist of a single file. Presenter gives you a range of options when publishing a presentation. However, there's currently no option which produces just one file. I remembered seeing a post in the Articulate Presenter Community Forum which mentioned using a program called HTML Executable so I downloaded a trial version of the program and gave it a test run. Using HTML Executable to create a single file was actually fairly quick and easy. Here's the process from beginning to end.

Articulate Presenter
  1. When you are ready to publish your course click Publish from the Articulate menu and the Publish window opens.
  2. HTML Executable

  3. In the Publish window select the WEB tab.
  4. HTML Executable

  5. Choose your Publish Location then review your Publish Properties.

  6. Make any changes necessary to your Publish Properties and then hit Publish.

  7. The Publish Successful window opens.
  8. HTML Executable

  9. Click Close.

HTML Executable
  1. Open HTML Executable and click Start a new project. The Configure project window opens.
  2. HTML Executable

  3. In the Configure project window click Next. The Publication Type window opens.
  4. Start a new publication

  5. In the Publication Type window select Self-Extracting publication and click Next. The Select Source Folder window opens.
  6. Start a new publication

  7. In the Select Source Folder window locate the folder containing the files Presenter just created and click Next. The Choose Homepage window opens.
  8. Start a new publication

  9. In the Choose Homepage window select the 'player.html' file and click Next. The Output File & Finish window opens.
  10. Start a new publication

  11. In the Output File & Finish window, under Executable Output File choose the location where you would like the output file to be placed and click Finish. The Publication Settings window opens.
  12. Start a new publication

  13. In the Publication Settings window under Publication Title give the output file a name and select the Publication Output tab.
  14. Start a new publication

  15. In the Publication Output tab click Compile Publication.
  16. Start a new publication


  1. Hey just curious Graham.
    Have you ever got articulate files into Moodle 2+?


  2. Hi Derek

    Good question. In fact, I have. My ePortfolio consists of a Moodle 2.0 installation. If you go to "Interact With Me" and click on the last button you will see several learning objects: all of which were created using Articulate Studio '09.

  3. Thanks. I'm working on a Moodle 2.0.2 site ( and we were having Multimedia difficulties.

    I like the look of your site.


  4. Hi Derek

    Thanks for the compliment. Are you still having 'multimedia difficulties' with your Moodle 2.0.2 site? If you are, click on the first button in "Contact Me" above and send me an email detailing your problem. I'll do my best to help you.
